RoPE Embeddings




Self-attention in a transformer is position-invariant, meaning that it the attention matrix has the same values regardless of the order of the words. Here’s an example and notice how the values (which are made up by the way) are the same just at different positions.

Position Invariance

This is a problem because the order of the words in a sentence is important. For example, “I like cats” and “cats like I” have the same words but different meanings and we wish to capture that. This is why, in the original Transformer paper, the authors added positional embeddings to the input, namely the sinusoidal embeddings. Here’s a code snippet, which calculates those positional embeddings:

# standard positional encoding
def get_positional_encoding(
    n_tokens: int, n_vocab: int
) -> Float[Array, "n_tokens n_vocab"]:
    pos = jnp.arange(n_tokens)[:, jnp.newaxis]
    div_term = jnp.exp(jnp.arange(0, n_vocab, 2) * -(jnp.log(10000.0) / n_vocab))
    # the following expression is closer to the actual notation they used.
    # div_term = 1 / 10000 ** (jnp.arange(0, n_vocab, 2) / n_vocab)
    pos_enc = jnp.zeros((n_tokens, n_vocab))
    pos_enc =[:, 0::2].set(jnp.sin(pos * div_term))
    pos_enc =[:, 1::2].set(jnp.cos(pos * div_term))
    return pos_enc

Once you have those positional encodings, you add them to the input. The core idea is to generate some unique position vector for each word in the sentence and add it to the word embedding. This way, even if the words are the same, the position vectors will be different and thus attention matrix will be different. In the case of sinusoidal embeddings, you can visualize it as generating lots of sine & cosine waves with different frequencies and stack those up. Then, for each position, you draw a that passes through all sine waves and measure the value for each wave. That process would look like this:

Sinusoidal Embeddings

While it does give each word a unique position, it doesn’t do it in a predictable way nor does it keep the relative distances between the words constant. We can easily visualise that by looking at the word vectors as we apply the sinusoidal embeddings:

Sinusoidal Embeddings

As you can see, the arrow jumps around and the relative distances change. It’s hard to predict where the arrow will jump to next.

RoPE Embeddings

This is where we learn about RoPE embeddings. RoPE stands for Rotary Positional Embeddings and was published in the RoFormer paper. The core idea of RoPE embeddings is to use a rotation matrix to rotate the input vector. This way, the relative distances between the words are preserved and the position vectors are predictable. Take a look at the vector animation again, but this time with RoPE embeddings. Notice, how the arrow moves in a predictable way.

RoPE Embeddings

Much better, right? In this blog post, we will implement a RoPEEmbeddingsLayer in Equinox and hopefully get that merged into the main repository.

The Math

The core idea is very simple. Once you have your query and key vectors (the ones you get from passing your input through the linear layers), you rotate them some angle mθm\theta, where mm is the token position and θ\theta is the rotation angle. For example, if you have 3 tokens, then mm would be 0, 1, and 2. To rotate a vector, you multiply it by the rotation matrix:

[cosθsinθsinθcosθ][xy]=[xcosθysinθxsinθ+ycosθ]\begin{bmatrix}\cos\theta & -\sin\theta\\\sin\theta & \cos\theta\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}x\\y\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}x\cos\theta-y\sin\theta\\x\sin\theta+y\cos\theta\end{bmatrix}

I’m not 100% sure why we apply the rotations after applying the linear weights. My guess is that if we applied them before the linear layers, then we would just distort the input vectors and the rotation effect would be lost. I’m not sure though.

To calculate the rotation angle, we use the following formula:

θi=100002(i1)d,\theta_i = 10000^{-\frac{2(i-1)}{d}},

where dd is the dimensionality of the tokens (in the example above it was 2 but in practice it’s a much bigger number). To extend this to the multidimensional case where we have more than just 2 dimensions, we would simply construct a sparse rotation matrix for each dimension and split the input vector into chunks of 2 and rotate each chunk separately. But that’s a super slow operation and in practice we use this formula:

Rθ,mdx=(x1x2x3x4xd1xd)(cos(mθ1)cos(mθ1)cos(mθ2)cos(mθ2)cos(mθd/2)cos(mθd/2))+(x2x1x4x3xd1xd)(sin(mθ1)sin(mθ1)sin(mθ2)sin(mθ2)sin(mθd/2)sin(mθd/2))R_{\theta,m}^d\mathbf{x} = \begin{pmatrix} x_1 \\ x_2 \\ x_3 \\ x_4 \\ \vdots \\ x_{d-1} \\ x_d \end{pmatrix} \otimes \begin{pmatrix} \cos(m\theta_1) \\ \cos(m\theta_1) \\ \cos(m\theta_2) \\ \cos(m\theta_2) \\ \vdots \\ \cos(m\theta_{d/2}) \\ \cos(m\theta_{d/2}) \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} -x_2 \\ x_1 \\ -x_4 \\ x_3 \\ \vdots \\ -x_{d-1} \\ x_d \end{pmatrix} \otimes \begin{pmatrix} \sin(m\theta_1) \\ \sin(m\theta_1) \\ \sin(m\theta_2) \\ \sin(m\theta_2) \\ \vdots \\ \sin(m\theta_{d/2}) \\ \sin(m\theta_{d/2}) \end{pmatrix}

So, let’s implement this! There are 2 ways to implement this: the real-numbers way and the complex-numbers way. Let’s start with the former.

The Real-Numbers Way

The cos\cos and sin\sin parts can be precomputed and cached since they don’t change at all. As mentioned before, the formula for the rotation angle is:

θi=100002(i1)d\theta_i = 10000^{-\frac{2(i-1)}{d}}
def get_freqs(seq_len: int, dim: int, base: int = 10000):
    theta = 1 / (base ** (jnp.arange(0, dim, 2) / dim))
    t = jnp.arange(seq_len)

    idx_theta = jnp.einsum("i,j->ij", t, theta)
    idx_theta = jnp.concatenate([idx_theta, idx_theta], axis=1)

    freqs_cos = jnp.cos(idx_theta)
    freqs_sin = jnp.sin(idx_theta)

    return freqs_cos, freqs_sin

The code above simply calculates all the indices first (i.e. mθm\theta) and then simply applies cos\cos and sin\sin to each of those. The next step is to negate every other element in the input vector xx before applying the frequencies.

def get_rope_embedding(x: Float[Array, "seq_len dim"]):
    def negate_half(x: Float[Array, "seq_len dim"]):
        d_2 = x.shape[-1] // 2
        return jnp.concatenate([x[..., :d_2], -x[..., d_2:]], axis=-1)

    seq_len, dim = x.shape
    cos, sin = get_freqs(seq_len, dim)
    neg_half_x = negate_half(x)
    x_rope = (x * cos) + (neg_half_x * sin)
    return x_rope

That’s really all there is to it.

The Complex-Numbers Way

This is a bit more complicated but it’s also faster if you JIT the code. Notice, in the function above, we return freqs_cos, freqs_sin as 2 separate arrays. As it turns out, we can express both of them as complex numbers:

def precompute_freqs_cis(
    dim: int, end: int, theta: float = 10000.0
) -> Complex[Array, "end dim/2"]:
    def polar(abs, angle):
        return jnp.array(
            abs * jnp.cos(angle) + abs * jnp.sin(angle) * 1j, dtype=jnp.complex64
    freqs = 1.0 / (theta ** (jnp.arange(0, dim, 2)[jnp.newaxis, :] / dim))
    t = jnp.arange(end)
    idx_theta = jnp.outer(t, freqs)
    # this is the same as the following (if you're more of the einsum person)
    # idx_theta = jnp.einsum("i,j->ij", t.ravel(), freqs.ravel())
    freqs_cis = polar(jnp.ones_like(idx_theta), idx_theta)
    return freqs_cis

In the code above, we store the cos\cos values in the real part and the sin\sin values in the imaginary part. With the precomputed frequencies, we can now implement the RoPE embeddings:

def get_rope_embeddings_complex(x: Float[Array, "seq_len dim"]):
    def negate_half(x: Float[Array, "seq_len dim"]):
        d_2 = x.shape[-1] // 2
        return jnp.concatenate([x[..., :d_2], -x[..., d_2:]], axis=-1)

    seq_len, dim = x.shape
    freqs = precompute_freqs_cis(dim, seq_len)
    neg_half_x = negate_half(x)
    freqs_real = jnp.tile(freqs.real, (1, 2))
    freqs_imag = jnp.tile(freqs.imag, (1, 2))

    x_rope = (x * freqs_real) + (neg_half_x * freqs_imag)
    return x_rope

We can verify that both implementations yield the same result with a simple test:

import jax.numpy as jnp
from icecream import ic

dim = 1024
max_seq_len = 4096

x_rope_real = get_rope_embedding(jnp.ones((max_seq_len, dim)))
x_rope_complex = get_rope_embeddings_complex(jnp.ones((max_seq_len, dim)))


ic(jnp.allclose(x_rope_real, x_rope_complex))

ic| x_rope_real: Array([[ 1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        , ...,  1.        ,
                          1.        ,  1.        ],
                        [ 1.3817734 ,  1.3869226 ,  1.3915513 , ...,  0.99989444,
                          0.99989635,  0.9998982 ],
                        [ 0.49315056,  0.5400876 ,  0.58551943, ...,  0.9997889 ,
                          0.9997927 ,  0.9997964 ],
                        [-0.40462857, -0.581694  , -0.2302509 , ...,  0.48944828,
                          0.49965236,  0.5096456 ],
                        [-1.3588928 ,  0.74914414, -1.2779073 , ...,  0.48930827,
                          0.4995152 ,  0.50951135],
                        [-1.0637972 ,  1.4135625 , -1.2257419 , ...,  0.4891682 ,
                          0.499378  ,  0.509377  ]], dtype=float32)
ic| x_rope_complex: Array([[ 1.        ,  1.        ,  1.        , ...,  1.        ,
                             1.        ,  1.        ],
                           [ 1.3817734 ,  1.3869226 ,  1.3915513 , ...,  0.99989444,
                             0.99989635,  0.9998982 ],
                           [ 0.49315056,  0.5400876 ,  0.58551943, ...,  0.9997889 ,
                             0.9997927 ,  0.9997964 ],
                           [-0.40462857, -0.581694  , -0.2302509 , ...,  0.48944828,
                             0.49965236,  0.5096456 ],
                           [-1.3588928 ,  0.74914414, -1.2779073 , ...,  0.48930827,
                             0.4995152 ,  0.50951135],
                           [-1.0637972 ,  1.4135625 , -1.2257419 , ...,  0.4891682 ,
                             0.499378  ,  0.509377  ]], dtype=float32)

ic| jnp.allclose(x_rope_real, x_rope_complex): Array(True, dtype=bool)

Performance Comparison

Now, you might be wondering which implementation is faster. Let’s find out by benchmarking them:

dim = 1024
max_seq_len = 4096

test_cases = 1_000_0

x = jax.random.uniform(
    jax.random.PRNGKey(42), (max_seq_len, dim), dtype=jnp.float32
start_time = time.time()
for _ in range(test_cases):
    x_rope_real = get_rope_embedding(x)
end_time = time.time()
ic("Real:", end_time - start_time)
ic("Avg:", (end_time - start_time) / test_cases)
start_time = time.time()
for _ in range(test_cases):
    x_rope_complex = get_rope_embeddings_complex(x)
end_time = time.time()
ic("Complex: ", end_time - start_time)
ic("Avg:", (end_time - start_time) / test_cases)

When we run this, we get the following results:

No JIT299.1253193.1669
Avg. No JIT0.0299120.01931
With JIT71.432083.8433
Avg. with JIT0.00710.0083

Interestingly, the real-numbers way is faster than the complex-numbers way when we don’t JIT the code. However, once we JIT the code, the complex-numbers way is faster. We will go with the second implementation given the pretense that - when using JAX - you should always strive to JIT your code.

Equinox Implementation

Let’s write the RoPE embeddings for the Equinox library. Our implementation will have the constraint that the input’s sequence length must remain the same, which makes our code less dynamic. The reason for this is that JAX - in general - does not like dynamic shapes at all, since when the shapes change, functions need to be recompiled. Here’s the implementation:

class RotaryPositionalEmbedding(eqx.nn.Module):
    dim: int = eqx.field(static=True)
    max_seq_len: int = eqx.field(static=True)
    freqs_cis: Complex[Array, "dim/2"] = eqx.field(static=True)

    def __init__(
        dim: int,
        max_seq_len: int,
        key: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None,
        self.dim = dim
        self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len
        self.freqs_cis = self.precompute_freqs_cis(dim, max_seq_len)

    def negate_half(x: Float[Array, "max_seq_len dim"]):
        d_2 = x.shape[-1] // 2
        return jnp.concatenate([x[..., :d_2], -x[..., d_2:]], axis=-1)

    def precompute_freqs_cis(
        dim: int, end: int, theta: float = 10000.0
    ) -> Complex[Array, "end dim/2"]:
        def polar(abs, angle):
            return jnp.array(
                abs * jnp.cos(angle) + abs * jnp.sin(angle) * 1j, dtype=jnp.complex64

        freqs = 1.0 / (theta ** (jnp.arange(0, dim, 2)[jnp.newaxis, :] / dim))
        t = jnp.arange(end)
        freqs_outer = jnp.outer(t, freqs)
        freqs_cis = polar(jnp.ones_like(freqs_outer), freqs_outer)
        return freqs_cis

    def __call__(
        self, x: Float[Array, "max_seq_len dim"], *, key: Optional[PRNGKeyArray] = None
    ) -> Float[Array, "max_seq_len dim"]:
        max_seq_len, dim = x.shape
        assert (
            dim == self.dim
        ), f"x.shape[-1] must match self.dim, but {x.shape[-1]} != {self.dim}"
        assert dim % 2 == 0, f"x.shape[-1] must be even, but {x.shape[-1]} is not even."
        assert (
            max_seq_len == self.max_seq_len
        ), f"x.shape[0] must be == self.max_seq_len, but {x.shape[0]} != {self.max_seq_len}"
        neg_half_x = self.negate_half(x)
        freqs_real = jnp.tile(self.freqs_cis.real, (1, 2))
        freqs_imag = jnp.tile(self.freqs_cis.imag, (1, 2))

        x_rope = (x * freqs_real) + (neg_half_x * freqs_imag)
        return x_rope

Personally, I think one should - in the context of LLMs - decide on the max_seq_len and pad the input to that length. This way, you can avoid recompilations and make your code both more performant and easier to understand.

How to Use RoPE in a Transformer

A last note in case you decide to use RoPE in your Transformer. As mentioned in the beginning, you need to apply RoPE after the linear layers of the queries and keys but most MHA implementations expect queries and keys with positional embeddings already applied. To use RoPE you would need to kind of “inject” the RoPE embeddings into provided MHA implementations. Because of this, you would probably need to write your own MHA implementation (or simply copy the source code of the MHA implementation of your framework of choice and modify it).


As of 2024-03-10, the Equinox library has merged the RoPE embeddings implementation into the dev branch. See the PR for more details.