In the last blog post, we implemented a simple policy gradient algorithm, and in this post, we will add a few more bells and whistles to the algorithm to make it more performant. It’s recommended to read the previous post before continuing as well as the post.
Smarter Rewards
In our current implementation, we used the rewards of the whole episode to update the policy. But at each timestep, we should much rather look at what rewards we received after executing a certain action. It doesn’t matter what happened before we took this action or what kind of rewards we had received so far. Only what happens afterwards matters. Let’s say, we had these rewards:
rewards = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
Let’s say we took some action at timestep 5. Then we should only look at the rewards from timestep 5 to 10 to update our policy and similarly for every other timestep too. This is called the reward-to-go and can be implemented like this (in JAX fashion):
def get_total_discounted_rewards(rewards: Float[Array, "n_steps"], gamma=0.99) -> Array:
"""Calculate the total discounted rewards for a given set of rewards.
rewards: The rewards to calculate the total discounted rewards for.
gamma: The discount factor.
The total discounted rewards.
def scan_fn(carry, current_reward):
discounted_reward = carry + current_reward
return discounted_reward * gamma, discounted_reward
_, total_discounted_rewards = jax.lax.scan(scan_fn, 0.0, rewards[::-1])
total_discounted_rewards = total_discounted_rewards[::-1].reshape(
assert (
total_discounted_rewards.shape == rewards.shape
), f"total_discounted_rewards.shape: {total_discounted_rewards.shape}, rewards.shape: {rewards.shape}"
return total_discounted_rewards
if __name__ == "__main__":
from icecream import ic
r = jnp.array([1 for _ in range(10)])
ic| get_total_discounted_rewards(r): Array([9.561792 , 8.648275 , 7.725531 , 6.7934656, 5.8519855, 4.9009953,
3.940399 , 2.9701 , 1.99 , 1. ], dtype=float32, weak_type=True)
Reducing Variance with Baselines
Rewards in RL can be very noisy and can have a high variance, which can be problematic for us. We’re trying to estimate the policy gradient directly by sampling from the environment, and if the rewards are very noisy, we get unstable gradients. To reduce the variance, we can subtract a baseline from the rewards. We can do that, because the baseline function with only take the state as input and does not depend on our parameters . This means that the baseline term will effectively be a constant and will not affect the gradient:
This means we can rewrite the policy gradient as:
The second part, i.e. , is the “reward-to-go” part, we discussed in the previous section but with a baseline subtracted from it.
Okay, but what to use as a baseline? Commonly, the value function is used as a baseline, which also makes intuitive sense. Let’s look at our reward example from the previous section again:
ic| get_total_discounted_rewards(r): Array([9.561792 , 8.648275 , 7.725531 , 6.7934656, 5.8519855, 4.9009953,
3.940399 , 2.9701 , 1.99 , 1. ], dtype=float32, weak_type=True)
Our value function represents how good it is to be in a particular state. Now, let’s assume we’ve trained our value function a bit already (the value function will be estimated using a neural network). And at timestep 0, our value function estimates a value of . We subtract from our reward the value function estimate and get . This means that the action we took at timestep 0 was better than expected! Remember, the value function expected a reward of but we got . Our agent is positively surprised and will update its policy accordingly to ensure we take that action in that state more often. This also goes the other way around, too.
To implement this baseline, we will introduce another neural network, like this one:
class ValueNetwork(eqx.Module):
"""Value network for the policy gradient algorithm in a discrete action space."""
mlp: eqx.nn.MLP
def __init__(
in_size: int,
out_size: int,
key: PRNGKeyArray,
width_size: int = 64,
depth: int = 3,
) -> None:
key, *subkeys = jax.random.split(key, 5)
self.mlp = eqx.nn.MLP(
def __call__(self, x: Float32[Array, "state_dims"]) -> Array:
"""Forward pass of the policy network.
x: The input to the policy network.
The output of the policy network.
return self.mlp(x)
This network is trained separately from the policy network using a different loss function. In fact, its loss function is much simpler than the one from the policy network because what we have here is a simple supervised learning
problem, where the target is the actual reward we got. In other words, the loss function is:
def value_loss_fn(
value_network: PyTree,
states: Float32[Array, "n_steps state_dim"],
rewards: Float32[Array, "n_steps"],
) -> Array:
"""Calculate the value loss for a given set of states and rewards.
value_network: The value network.
states: The states to calculate the value loss for.
rewards: The rewards to calculate the value loss for.
The value loss.
values = eqx.filter_vmap(value_network)(states)
return jnp.mean((values - rewards) \*\* 2)
def step_value_network(
value_network: PyTree,
states: Float32[Array, "n_steps state_dim"],
rewards: Float32[Array, "n_steps"],
optimiser: optax.GradientTransformation,
optimiser_state: optax.OptState,
*, grad = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(value_loss_fn)(value_network, states, rewards)
updates, optimiser_state = optimiser.update(grad, optimiser_state, value_network)
value_network = eqx.apply_updates(value_network, updates)
return value_network, optimiser_state
This is simply the mean squared error loss. We will have to update our step and loss function for our policy network:
def objective_fn(
policy: PyTree,
states: Float32[Array, "n_steps state_dim"],
actions: Float32[Array, "n_steps"],
rewards: Float32[Array, "n_steps"],
value_network: PyTree,
logits = eqx.filter_vmap(policy)(states)
log_probs = jax.nn.log_softmax(logits)
log_probs_actions = jnp.take_along_axis(
log_probs, jnp.expand_dims(actions, -1), axis=1
rewards = rl_helpers.get_total_discounted_rewards(
) # don't let the past distract you!
values = eqx.filter_vmap(value_network)(states)
advantages = rewards - values
return -jnp.mean(log_probs_actions \* advantages)
def step(
policy: PyTree,
states: Float32[Array, "n_steps state_dim"],
actions: Float32[Array, "n_steps"],
rewards: Float32[Array, "n_steps"],
optimiser: optax.GradientTransformation,
optimiser_state: optax.OptState,
value_network: PyTree,
*, grad = eqx.filter_value_and_grad(objective_fn)(
policy, states, actions, rewards, value_network
updates, optimiser_state = optimiser.update(grad, optimiser_state, policy)
policy = eqx.apply_updates(policy, updates)
return policy, optimiser_state